Best Ways to Use Technology for Learning

online learningRecently, technology changed our everyday life. Almost each human habitant of the word can’t leave without modern gadgets. By using gadgets – people communicate and keep in touch with their friends and relatives, they run business and learn.

With Internet and IT technologies learning process becomes easier and more fascinating. Among different kinds of learning process it is worth mentioning how the IT technologies affected the process of writing assignments.

Of course, one of the most visible pro of the IT technologies is online libraries. From now on, students don’t have to Continue reading

A Futuristic Gaze Into the Next Generation’s Influence on Teaching and Learning

future education childrenGeneration Z kids are presently in class right now, and they’ll be altering the method in which folks envision learning. These youngsters have hypertext psyches with identical intellectual designs that shift every which way, not the step by step mindsets that humans have become used to.

Studies demonstrate that nine out of ten young people, aged eleven-to-fourteen years old, already possess smart phones, and ninety percent of them  enjoy computer games on the web. Over half of these youths produce media online, and ninety percent of boys and girls, today, can Continue reading

4 Ways to Utilize Technology in Informal Education

informal education technologyBefore academic institutions were established, informal education already existed. It takes on different forms and now, more than ever, proves to be a good way for any individual to learn. But first, we must define this concept.

Informal education basically covers every aspect of learning that doesn’t take place in a normal school setting. Homeschooling, or unschooling, is one of the most common forms of informal education. Going to far-flung areas where the youth can’t go to school is a common way to practice informal education in many third world countries. But for this article, we’ll be tackling a type of informal education that’s not given that much thought. Continue reading

Learn while you Earn with the Popular Online Degree Programs

learn earnEarning and learning is the new success mantra, which goes hand-in-hand for the ambitious, young, and energetic students. The following article emphasizes on the growing concept of earn and learn and suggests some lucrative online degree courses, which let you learn while continuing with your job. 

The new generation is increasingly turning interest to the emerging concept of earn and learn. The reason can vary from being independent, pay own tuition fees, develop job skills, or gain work experience. The increasing desire to learn while you earn has resulted in an upsurge for the demand for online degree courses, which provide the young students with an opportunity to continue their learning along with earning options. Continue reading

Expanding Your Mind – Learning For Success

expand mind learningWhen learning, it’s important to broaden your horizons as much as possible; this means reading widely, and learning more about subjects that you might not normally be interested in. It also means making use of the many free and inexpensive resources available to you on and offline, as well as changing how you learn; doing so can help you towards a higher degree of employability, and can also set you up for lifelong learning.

Reading More 

Just taking the time to read more every day can make a big difference to your education; try to read the newspaper online, and cover multiple papers to get a different point of view. It’s also possible to broaden your horizons by reading a wide range of different genres, which can be particularly useful if you’re into the habit of reading the same authors. While it’s not a good idea to force yourself to read things you don’t want to, it’s worth sampling as much as you can.  Continue reading

How Students Can Benefit From Using Social Media

students social mediaNo man or woman is an island…

…but when you’re a student, life can feel quite isolated, given all those hours spent studying in the dusty library, attending tiresome lectures and grappling with the mind-boggling jargon of some of those blasted text books. As you stare wistfully out of the window, you observe the rest of the world socialising and feel a pang of jealousy for their carefree existence.

Stop being wistful and harness the power of social media for work and play, and you will reap the benefits in no time, my friend. Continue reading

10 interesting facts you didn’t know about the Internet

internetToday everyone uses Internet as a means of communication, studying and entertainment but still there are plenty of amazing facts about the Internet we couldn’t imagine! Here are some of them:

1. The well-known social networking website Facebook (founded by Mark Zuckerberg) now has more than 520 million registered users. If Facebook was a country, it would have taken the third place among the world’s largest countries. Indeed, do you know anybody who does not have an account on Facebook? 🙂 Continue reading



LanguageTool is an Open Source language checker for English and German language.

This is a rule-based language checker that will find errors for which a rule is defined in its XML configuration files. Rules for more complicated errors can be written in Java.
You can think of LanguageTool as a tool to detect errors that a simple spell checker cannot detect, e.g. mixing up there/their, no/now etc. It can also detect a limited amount of grammar mistakes. It does not include spell checking.

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The future of e-learning

The distance learning has a goal to make a learner obtain all the necessary knowledge and skills completely independently, without participation of other people. It is still not possible, but we should admit that over the past several years the distance learning (e-learning) has covered a large number of learners all over the world.

The Internet has become a huge technological breakthrough, more important than radio and television. Since it got possible to exchange instant messages with any person who has Internet access, the global network found its use in the field of education. Distribution of the “fast internet” has made it possible to launch “online” seminars ( Continue reading